
Dr. Otto Gudjonsson MD. Plastic Surgeon

Nose Surgery

Is a nose surgery the solution for you?

A nose surgery can improve your appearance and confidence but it might not change your look the way you might expect or people´s attitude towards you. If you decide to have a nose surgery it is important to carefully think about your expectations and discuss them with your doctor.
The surgery suits those best who want to improve their appearance but do not expect perfection. A nose surgery might suit you if you are physically healthy, in a good state of mind and have realistic expectations. Such a surgery is usually performed to beautify and improve one´s appearance. Age matters in these considerations. Girls need to be at least 14-15 years old and boys a little older than that, so that the doctor can be sure that the teenagers are fully grown. It is important to identify the social and the emotional adaptation of the teenagers so that the doctor knows that it is he or she – and not the parents – that require the surgery.

Risk factors?

Side effects are uncommon when an experienced surgeon performs a nose surgery, and if they do happen they are usually minor. Still, there is always some danger that an infection, bleeding nose or bad reaction to the anesthesia can occur. After the surgery, tiny HÁRÆÐAR can burst and appear as small red dots on the skin. This is usually a minor problem but can continue for a while. Nose surgeries are usually performed from the inside of the nose so that no scars are visible. When an open surgery is performed or when the nostrils are reduced, tiny scars appear below the nose that can usually not be seen. You can reduce the risk by following thoroughly the instructions of the surgeon, both before and after surgery, especially in regards to exercise after surgery.

To decide a surgery

Good communication between you and the doctor are very important. During your first visit the doctor will ask how you want your nose to look, he will examine the structure of your nose and face and discusses your options. He explains the factors that can affect the surgery and its results, among other things the bone structure in your nose, the cartilage, the form of your face, the skin, your age and expectations. Let your doctor know if you smoke of if you take any medicine or nutrients on a regular basis, including aspirin and other blood thinning medicine. During your first visit your doctor will inform you of what kind of anesthetic method he will use, where the surgery is performed and how much it costs. If you have had any nose injuries or nose surgeries it is important to inform the doctor. The same applies if you have any allergies.

Preparation for surgery

Your doctor gives you instruction on how to prepare for the surgery regarding food and drink, smoking and medicine. It usually applies to fasten from midnight the day before the surgery. If you smoke it is advisable to stop three to four weeks before surgery. The surgery needs to be postponed if you catch a cold or any kind of infection. Make sure that somebody can pick you up at the clinic and can assist your for one to two days after the surgery.

Operation room, anesthesia and surgery

Nose surgery takes usually about one to two hours but more complicated surgeries might take slightly longer. Usually skin from the surface is moved from the bone and the cartilage so that it can be formed according to the patient wishes. After the surgery is finished a splint is placed on the nose that supports the new shape. Sometimes soft cushions are placed inside the nostrils to support the nasal septum. The doctor prescribes pain killers and possibly antibiotic to prevent infection before you leave the clinic. Top of page

After the surgery

Your face might be swollen, especially after the first 24 hours. You might feel pain in your nose and some headache. You can reduce the pain with pain killers. Try to stay in bed with your head higher than the body the first day (toilet visits are permitted). Don't be discouraged by swelling and bruises that may increase around the eyes at first and reaches its peak two to three days after the surgery. Use cold compress reduce the swelling and make you feel better. You will probably feel considerably better than you appear. Most of the bruise and the swelling should disappear in about two weeks. A little bleeding is normal in the days just after the surgery and you might feel blockage in your nose for a few weeks. It is advised not to blow the nose while the wounds are still growing. After one or two weeks all bandages and SPELKUR are removes. Top of page

Full recovery

You should have recovered quite well in one to two days but you should avoid any strenuous activities just after the surgery. Stay away from running, swimming, sex and other exercises that might increase your blood pressure for about two to three weeks. Avoid rubbing your nose and any situations where your nose could be hit. Also, stay away from the sun. You can use contact lenses when you feel better but using glasses is another matter. When the first bandages have been removed you need to fasten the glasses with a band aid on the forehead or let them sit on the cheeks for about six to seven weeks until the nose is fully healed. Contact the doctor if you feel any new symptoms or need to ask question. Top of page

The new look

You might feel that it is unrealistic that you will actually look better those first days after the surgery because of the bruises and the swelling. Some people feel bad after the surgery and that is quite normal. It is however quite likely that you will be satisfied if you keep in mind that the results are not visible right away. With every day that passes the nose will look better and after one to two weeks it will hardly be visible that you have just come out of surgery although that some swelling could persist for a few months, especially by the tip of the nose. Don't take it too seriously if people do not notice much difference on your nose. What matter is that you are happy with the results. Top of page

Otto Gudjonsson MD.

Cosmetic Surgeries
Álfheimar 74, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland.
(+354) 515 1600
Cosmetic Surgeries
Álfheimar 74, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland.
(+354) 515 1600